Site SEO Tips
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Google is the main search engine people use to find information online. If your blog isn’t appearing in Google search results, it’s unlikely that anyone will find it. Readers won’t be able to find your blog, and as a result, you won’t be able to attract new visitors. To ensure that your blog is discoverable on Google and other search engines, you need to optimize your blog for search engines. This involves incorporating specific on-page elements into your site and dedicating time to technical SEO so that Google can understand what your website is about. With this in mind, here are 10 useful tips on how you can make your blog more visible on Google and other search engines.

Use Proper Keywords

Keywords are the terms you want people to find you for. They’re also what you want your posts to be optimized around. Keywords are no longer a primary factor in search engine optimization, but they still matter. When you find out what your blog is about and what topics you want to write about, take note of the terminology that you want to be found for. Use this terminology as often as possible, but don’t overdo it. You don’t want to sound “spammy” by peppering each blog post with your primary keywords. Another thing to keep in mind is that the keywords you select should apply to your entire blog, rather than specific blog posts. You want to use the same keywords throughout your blog so that visitors can easily find your content.

Create a Responsive Website

Over half of all online searches are made through mobile devices. If your blog isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing out on a lot of potential traffic. Google has made it clear that they prefer responsive websites over non-responsive ones. If you want to make your blog more visible, you need to create a website that’s optimized for mobile devices. This means that your site should be displayed using the same layout and navigation on both desktop and mobile devices. If you aren’t sure how to make your blog mobile-friendly, you can choose a blogging platform that offers built-in mobile support, such as WordPress.

Be Sure to Use Title, Descriptions and Anchor Text

The title of your blog post is an important SEO element. It appears in search engine results, along with your blog post’s URL. If your title is keyword-heavy, it can help your blog posts rank higher in search results. Let’s say that you’re writing a blog post about hiking tips for beginners. Your title might be “The Beginner’s Guide to Hiking.” The title describes your blog post, so it should be keyword-heavy. You want to incorporate your keyword into the title of your blog post because it will help your post rank higher in Google. Your blog post’s title is also used as an “anchor text” in your blog post’s URL. This means that the word “hiking” appears in the URL of your blog post along with a number. For example, “The Beginner’s Guide to Hiking” might be the title of your blog post. The URL for this post would be “”. Your blog post’s title is also used as a “descriptions” in your blog post’s URL. The “description” is what shows up below your blog post’s title in search engine results. It’s a short summary of your blog post that gives people an idea of what your post is about. For example, if your blog post is titled “The Beginner’s Guide to Hiking,” the description would be “A guide on hiking tips for beginners.”

Write Quality Content

Quality content is what search engines want you to provide. But what exactly is “quality” content? How can you tell if your blog posts are of high-quality? First, the content you write should be unique. You should never publish content that has been published elsewhere. If you do, you’re likely to get blacklisted by search engines. You should also avoid keyword stuffing. This is when you stuff your blog posts full of keywords. Instead, you should write naturally, targeting one or two keywords, at most, in every blog post. Keep in mind that quality content is about more than just keywords. It’s about providing helpful information to your readers.

Find Out Where Your Visitors is Coming From

Google Analytics is a free online tool that allows you to see where your visitors are coming from. If you want to make your blog more visible, you need to know where your readers are coming from. You need to know what search terms are bringing traffic to your site. Once you know this, you can optimize your blog posts to target these keywords. To find out where your visitors is coming from, you need to install a tracking code on your website. A tracking code is a line of code that you put into your blog’s source code. Once installed, the tracking code will let you know what keywords are bringing traffic to your blog and what search engines they’re coming from.

Fix Your Blog’s URL Structure

A blog’s URL structure is the way your URL is written. You want your URL structure to be as readable as possible. You also want to include keywords in your URL. You can do this by making sure that your blog’s URL is readable and only includes one level of hierarchy. For example, your URL could be something like this: Your URL should include your blog’s name, the topic of your blog post and a keyword that you want to rank for. You should also avoid using excessive punctuation, symbols and numbers in your URL.

Add Rich Media Elements to Your Blog Posts

Rich media elements include elements like images, videos and graphs. These types of elements can improve the user experience on your blog, but they can also help your blog rank higher in Google. An article that includes relevant images is more likely to show up near the top of a Google search result than an article without any images. If your blog posts are image-heavy, they’ll likely show up near the top of the search results. If you want your blog to rank higher in Google, you need to incorporate rich media elements into your blog posts. You don’t necessarily need to create original images. You can always find images on websites like Pixabay and Pexels. You can also use images from Creative Commons.

Add in Summing-Up Elements at the End of Each Post

A blog post’s title and the first couple of lines are only skimmed by most readers. They might spend less than a minute on each blog post. Blog posts that contain “summing-up” elements, such as charts and graphs, are more likely to be read in their entirety. This is because people are naturally drawn to these types of elements. They’re less likely to skim through a blog post that contains a summary. If you want your blog posts to be read in their entirety, be sure to include summing-up elements at the end of each post.

Don’t Forget About Videos

YouTube is the second most-visited site on the internet. It’s one of the most popular search engines, and it’s also a social network. If you want your blog posts to be read, you can turn them into videos. You can publish your video on various video hosting websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia. You can also use video-sharing websites, such as, to publish your blog posts as videos. If you want your blog posts to be read, you can turn them into videos. If you want your blog posts to be read, you can turn them into videos. By publishing your blog posts as videos, you can reach a wider audience. People are naturally drawn to videos, and they’re more likely to be watched in their entirety.


Keywords are the terms you want people to find you for. They’re also what you want your posts to be optimized around. If your blog isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing out on a lot of potential traffic. If you want to make your blog more visible, you need to create a website that’s optimized for mobile devices. The title of your blog post is an important SEO element. Quality content is what search engines want you to provide. This is when you stuff your blog posts full of keywords. If you want to make your blog more visible, you need to know where your readers are coming from. Once you know this, you can optimize your blog posts to target these keywords. A blog’s URL structure is the way your URL is written. You want your URL structure to be as readable as possible. If your blog posts are image-heavy, they’ll likely show up near the top of the search results. If you want your blog to rank higher in Google, you need to incorporate rich media elements into your blog posts. This is because people are naturally drawn to these types of elements. If you want your blog posts to be read in their entirety, be sure to include summing-up elements at the end of each post. YouTube is the second most-visited site on the internet. If you want your blog posts to be read, you can turn them into videos.